The Invisible Red Thread

"An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break."

~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Saturday, January 8, 2011

T minus 10 days and counting

The countdown is on for the time we board a plane, headed to China and most importantly, Sweet Cheeks! I am so excited yet it seems there are so many things that need to be done. Will it all be done before we leave and the bigger question is, does it NEED to be done before we leave? Whatever happened to just "rolling with IT?" hmmmmmmmmm.......

The guest room looks like a baby store exploded, leaving piles of baby clothes, diapers, wipes, diaper cream, snacks, and several large pieces of luggage. I have forgotten so many things about babies: how do you make a bottle, tabs in the back, right?, do you have to burp a thirteen month old, how many times does she need to eat, how many hours will she/should she sleep, am I still breathing?... the list goes on and on. Afterall, it has been almost six years since we were in "baby-mode."

Among the list of things I have lost, there are a few things I have found. For instance, my jade necklace from China trip #1 has been MIA for quite some time... FOUND! The mat that goes between the carseat and the seat... FOUND! There are a few other things too, but I have forgotten:-)

Cupcake is so excited about becoming a big sister. She is constantly talking about all of the things she is going to do for/with Sweet Cheeks. I get a little giddy thinking about "the girls," instead of just Cupcake. Enough ramblings for now, this Momma needs some sleep! G'night, all!


  1. I'll be praying for you guys, wow! Such an exciting time!

  2. Once you have your baby in your arms, the details will work themselves out. Enjoy every minute!

  3. I'm so glad you have this blog now. I can't wait to relive the experience vicariously through your family. I know what you mean about resetting your mind to "baby mode". We had a 13 year gap between Maya and the next oldest! Don't worry, it's like riding a bike, you never forget!

  4. Love the blog and excited to check it out and see what is happening over there. You will get it all done. Soon you will be home with your family of 4!!!
