The Invisible Red Thread

"An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break."

~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Life at the Beach... ahhhhh, Refreshing!

This past week, Cupcake was out of school for Spring Break so we headed to the beach for the week with our friends. It was a great week with lots of fun in the sun, laughter from both the children AND the adults and great memories were made. We had fun browsing a Salt Water Taffy store, eating some yummy seafood, splashing in the great Atlantic Ocean and even had high hopes of seeing the last launch of the space shuttle, Endeavour, which did not happen.

We even went up in a Ferris Wheel on the Boardwalk. That is something I have not done since I was a kid and I have to say, I had moments, initially, that I really wanted to barf. But, I didn't. After the butterflies left my stomach, I was able to enjoy the moment and the wonderful evening views of the blue skies. I have to admit, I am a girl where misery loves company and was relieved to hear that the other adults in our group were also a litle uneasy.

We also had a visit from the Tooth Fairy while we were on vacation.... Cupcake lost her second top front tooth. I love that look and the sound of her lispy words. Too cute!  I also celebrated my 37th Birthday. Not sure how I got to be 37 years old but I am and I love my life. I am married to a wonderful husband who adores me, I have two beautiful daughters that make my heart explode with love for them and I blessed with wonderful family and friends. Life is good! 

Sweet Cheeks did great on her first big adventure away from home. She is such a sweet girl and easy going (most of the time).  She loved digging and playing in the sand, splashing in the surf and crawling all over the beach. She loved the seashells by the seashore, eating snacks on the beach and even managed to catch a power nap under the umbrella.  Followed up with a great game of Putt-Putt with gorgeous oceanviews, where I got *two* holes in one - WOO HOO baby, I was on a roll, a little bit of shopping and quality time with family and friends and it was a great week!  Back home now and back to reality. Six weeks of school left and then summer vacation will be here.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Don't Want to Wear a Hat or Bow!!!

This was a posting from March 29th that posted but without pics... I am going to give it another try.

Try as I might, I cannot get Sweet Cheeks to leave a bow, clip, headband or anything else in her hair. I keep putting them in her hair and she keeps pulling them right back out. The child is determined, I am telling you!  However, I have not lost all hope.  I am trying to find something that she will leave in her hair because her bangs are quite long and they hang straight down in her face. Ahhh... her sweet, little face:-)  These are a few pics of some Sweet Cheek cheeky sweetness of us being silly at home.... with hairbows and headbands.

Happy Birthday Cupcake!!!

WOW! I cannot believe it has been SOOOO long since I have last posted. Where do I start? Probably, the first and best place is in documenting Cupcake's 7th birthday. And she got glasses.

We started the weekend before her birthday with a SURPRISE sleepover and trip to the Magic Kingdom with Cupcake's BFF. It was all a suprise for both girls, starting with the sleepover and going all day long at THE MOUSE HOUSE. I asked the girls that morning, what they wanted to do. They were thinking going to see the newly released "Hop" would be fun but we had other plans. I made them guess a few times and neither one could figure out where we were going. So, we finally asked them where they could go and see princesses... DISNEY?!?! Yep, we were Orlando bound.

The weather was perfect for a day at an amusement park. The girls took turns choosing the rides and attractions we visited, starting with the Birthday Girl. We had a great time and Sweet Cheeks enjoyed her first trip to the Magic Kingdom as well.

The day before Cupcake's birthday, she got her glasses. She loved them and said, "it's like having a whole new life!" Because she could see! WOW! 

The Birthday Girl, the morning of her big day, before heading to school.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Since We've Been Home....

I can breathe for the first time..... owww Kelly Clarkson! Sorry, I digress....  It has been a flurry of activity. On Friday, Feb. 4th, we too Sweet Cheeks for her first pediatrician appointment. NOT FUN! She was 29.5 inches long and she weighed in at 18.14 lbs. That put her at 50th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight. She's just a little peanut! Her developmental delays were documented but are not of significant concern because she continues to develop and improve on a daily basis.  Her development is comparable to that of at 6-9 month old.  Of moderate concern is the flatness to the back of her head.

After her examination, it was time for Sweet Cheeks to have blood drawn, start her immunizations and collect stool samples. That was where the fun stopped and the tears started. I have to admit it broke my heart because you could tell, Sweet Cheeks was highly offended that she was being stuck. It was a very hard day as a Mommy... it makes me very thankful for the health of my children.

The ped recommended that we go for a PT Evaluation to see if there was anything that needed to be done as far as correcting the shape of Sweet Cheek's head. The bones start hardening between 12-15 months so if there was something that needed to be done, we needed to get on it.

Yesterday, we met with a Physical Therapist who evaluated her ramge of motion and development level. She stated she was in the 7-9 month range developmentally but she did not see a need for PT or for further evaluation of her head. Her face was symmetrical and at this point it was more of a cosmetic issue than anything else. We think Sweet Cheeks is absolutely perfect in everyway!

Some highlights of the week have been: Sweet Cheeks has learned to crawl, usually loves being in the walker, is starting to eat a little better, has been taking two naps per day (it is so sweet how she falls asleep with the bunny ear in her mouth), she has been in the swing (was not much of a fan the first go around but hoping she enjoys it when it is a little warmer) and she and big sister love bath time together! Big Sister still has a special way of making her laugh the minute they see one another. It is very sweet!

This week has been crazy busy with doctor visits, Cupcake going back to school, everyone trying to get over jet lag and get Sweet Cheeks on some type of schedule. My family has been loved on by many of  family members who came to welcome us home and friends who have stopped by for a visit and a peek, dropped off meals, etc. We are very thankful and appreciative for all of the love and support.

Here are some pics of everyday life...enjoy!

Chinese New Year!

February 6th:

This is the third year we have gotten together with fellow adoptive families and friends to celebrate Chinese New Year and this year was no exception. New baby home, jet lag and all!  And we were so glad we went! The party is something that Cupcake really enjoys and we are trying to be diligent about keeping her life reasonably normal now that Little Miss Sweet Cheeks is home. The girls were all adopted from China and it is amazing to see how their friendship's with one another has grown throughout the years.

The Year of the Rabbit was welcomed with crafts, yummy Chinese food, firecrackers, a lion dance, Chinese music, red envelopes and plenty of laughs. The host family did another great job. Mrs. Cheryl loves cooking Chinese food and each year she makes the main dishes herself. Each family bring something to share... we are the fried rice family. One year, I made it from scratch but this year it was takeout from our local Chinese restaurant. Still very yummy!

It is great having this annual celebration with families just like ours. We are already looking forward to celebrating next year!!!! Enjoy the pics....